
T-7 days

Aliyah_t_blade I wasn’t sure if we were ever actually going to get out of Toledo…but we did.  Image_069All of our "wordly good" are now loaded on the 40′ shipping container pictured at right, and are on their way to Israel.  ALMOST all of our stuff fit…Goodwill got a little more than originally planned, and friends have custody on an antique rocking chair that we hope to be reunited with someday.  We are in Washington DC as I write this.

The Toledo Blade did a couple of nice articles about our aliyah.  Click on the titles to read them:

"Rabbi Heading for his Spiritual Home: Israel"

"Agency Helps American Jews ‘Make Aliyah’" 

We are now sort of homeless.  We still own a home in Toledo, and we know where we are going to in Jerusalem, so we’re not exactly "homeless," and we are living somewhat comfortably.  So our kids were trying to figure out what we should call ourselves.  They decided we are "High Class Hobos."  Sounds good to me!

Barry Leff

Rabbi Barry (Baruch) Leff is a dual Israeli-American business executive, teacher, speaker and writer who divides his time between Israel and the US.

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