Bereshit 5770
It’s almost Shabbat here in New York where I find myself this week, so I don’t have time to write a whole d’var Torah, but I wanted to share a thought to have in mind as Shabbat starts. I believe the most important teaching in this week’s Torah portion — Bereshit, the opening chapters of the Torah — is that we are all created “b’tzelem Elohim,” in God’s image. All of us. “Male and female He created him…” Men, women, Jews, Gentiles, we all are created in the Divine image. When you look into the eyes of another human being, you are looking into a window to the soul, to the Divine spark within each of us. As you go through Shabbat this week, seek out the Godly in everyone you encounter! It’s easy to see the Divine in one you love…but remember even that “nudnik” is created in the Godly image…
Shabbat shalom,
Reb Barry