Israel Trail

Israel Trail Days 13 and 14

June 9 and 10, 2013

Isfiya (Mt Carmel) to Hof Hacarmel Forest

Wikiloc Maps:

Isfiya to Ein Hod

Ein Hod to Hof Hacarmel

Total Mileage these segments: 17 (27 km)

Total Mileage since the start at Tel Dan: 162 (262 km)


These two days are the start of a new “major segment.”  Leaving Mt Carmel near Haifa, my next major “goal” is Tel Aviv, which I hope to reach by the High Holidays.  My progress on these two days was less than I had planned — both days the trails were significantly rockier than usual, so even though it wasn’t highly strenuous in terms of steep hills (although there were a few) the pace was relatively slow because it’s hard to go fast over very uneven terrain.

Ein Hod was a great place to stop for the night.  Charming little artist’s village with a great brew pub/pizza place.  Just what I needed to “carb load” in the middle of a couple of days on the trail.

The prehistoric caves at Nahal Me’arot were an unexpected find.  Definitely want to go back there sometime with the kids, I think they would find it interesting and educational.


“Day 13: Day 14:”

From Israel Trail Days 13 and 14 Isfiya to Ofer Forest. Posted by Barry Leff on 6/11/2013 (110 items)

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(Israel Trail Days 13 and 14 Isfiya to Ofer Forest; 110 photos)

Barry Leff

Rabbi Barry (Baruch) Leff is a dual Israeli-American business executive, teacher, speaker and writer who divides his time between Israel and the US.

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